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Life is full of stress and challenges. It sometimes stops you from growing in your personal and professional life. In that scenario you need help and Dr. Amy Walton is there to help bust through the barriers of where you are and position you in the place you desire to be. She is providing the tools to put your life back on track so that you can excel in life. She knows the strategies and methodologies necessary to rebuild your shattered confidence and unleash the power from within. She believes in God and the power of faith to uproot any obstacle that stands in your way. 


Meet Amy

My name is Amy Walton. I am a Life & Success Coach and I AM A WEALTHY WOMAN! I am dedicated to helping women align spiritually, start lucrative businesses, create wealth from a kingdom perspective, and become highly visible so they can make a global impact.


My passion for inspiring others developed from my battle with never feeling “good enough” and not “having enough”. I personally understand the struggles that faith filled women experience today- the little girl who wants to be accepted and loved by everyone, the young mother who wants to be the perfect parent, the glamourous woman who is robbing Peter to pay Paul, the faithful wife who is trying to be the Proverbs 31 woman to a man that does not respect her or her divinity, the woman who is too afraid to walk in purpose because of the fear of what others might say, and the woman who desires to be all that God has called her to be but don’t know how. It is all too familiar. I know the feelings of inadequacy and loneliness because I, my friend, have been there before. I went from struggling with childhood trauma, lack, self-love, rejection, doubt, and the fear of not being good enough to knowing who I am and understanding my value and worth. It was in my darkest hour that the light of God’s word began to shine on me and show me who I was in Him, how precious I was to Him, and much He loved me.


Through my journey, I’ve learned how to help other women let go of the stuff that holds them back from what God has for them and unleash the power within—some for the very first time! In fact, my mission is to show women everywhere how to be a wealthy woman. I believe inside every woman rests a wealthy woman and only from the position of a Wealthy Woman can you fulfill your purpose. In becoming a wealthy woman, you will no longer pretend to be anything other than beautiful, brilliant, and more than enough. The world needs us to own our power, walk in our purpose, and prosper as never before, and I am here to show you the way. 


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